672 County Road 412, Bonnots Mill, MO 65016                                           Phone: (573) 680-9816    E-mail: show.me.pheasants@gmail.com 

Where Quality Always Beats Quantity!

Copyright © Show-Me Pheasants

Subsidiary of Chubby Chukar Gamebrirds


Our eggs are picked up several times daily. They are then properly sanitized and placed in an egg cooler, which is at the optimum climate settings for fertile eggs. The eggs are checked for cracks during the sanitizing process and then during packing. The result of this careful process is a consistent egg fertility and hatchability rate amongst all breeds. Shipped eggs will not be older than 3-4 days old at time of shipment and are often shipped next day or even same day as they are layed. Eggs are shipped USPS Priority Mail, or through UPS if requested. Pickup is also possible; we are 15 minutes east of Jefferson City, Missouri. We include  at least 4% extra eggs with every order.  

  • Minimum egg order of $40.
  • Prices do not include shipping or any discounts.
  • Orders of multiple egg species will be given consideration for a larger volume discount than what is listed.
  • 1 case of pheasant eggs includes 340 eggs plus 20 extras.
  • Orders of hatching eggs are non-refundable, unless broken in shipment. Hatch rates are not guaranteed. 

 Melanistic Pheasant

 1-30:                        $1.50    

 31-99:                      $1.30

 100-199:                  $1.00

 200-1 case:             $.95

1-2 cases:                 $.88

2+ cases:                   $.83


 25-99:                      $.95     

 100-199:                  $.75

 200-399:                 $.70

 400+:                        $.65

 Ringneck Pheasant

 1-30:                       $1.25    

 31-99:                     $1.15

 100-199:                   $.90

 200-1 case*:            $.84

 1-2 cases:                 $.77 

​ 2+ cases:                   $.73 

 Northern Bobwhite Quail

 50-99:                     $.85

 100-199:                  $.49

 200-499:                 $.42

 500-999:                 $.39

1,000+:                     $.35 

(Price Per Egg)

Egg Prices